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"Corsair F4U-7 approaching the Arromanche" - limited edition print

50,00 € each

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100 x 50 cm
tube cartonné
Papier cartonné 300 g / strong 300 g carton paper

We are in 1954. An Aeronavale Corsair fighter has to make a difficult landing on the arromanche aircraft carrier. facing the wind... and the sun ! everything is OK for the moment. The aircraft shown belongs to the 12th Fleet (12eme Flotille) witch was equiped with Corsair F4U-7 fighters. The original design of the Corsair is undoubtly his "W" shaped wings. What is the reason ? . in fact the Corsair was destined for serving on aircraft carriers. But the powerfull Wright engine was coupled with a propeller whose diameter was more than 4 meters !. So the aircraft needed an important ground clearance. But it was impossible to built a landing gear that strong end long enough. The solution consisted in "bending" the wings to give them this "W" design and permiting both using a shorter landing gear and having enough groung clearance for the huge Hamilton propeller !

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